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Home Staging

When it comes time to sell your home, you want to attract a buyer who loves it as much as you have for all the years you lived there. But when potential buyers come to view your home, you want them to see themselves living there—to feel at home and not as if they’re in someone else’s house.

You need to give your space a new, fresh feel that allows anyone to walk in and see the potential of the property. This is where Designed to Sell enters the selling process to help.

A 2021 National Association of Realtors study on home staging reported that 82 percent of buyers’ agents said staging a home made it easier for a buyer to visualize the property as a future home.

Why We Love What We Do  

Our Staging Expertise Makes Your Home Feel Aspirational to Buyers

It’s important that the home shopper falls in love with the property they ultimately choose to buy. You can help create that emotional connection between a buyer and your home by staging it with us. Professional color combinations, smart layouts and unexpected pieces help the buyer develop positive feelings about the space and imagine living in it.

It Can Increase the Value of Your Home

If your home has been sitting on the market for a while and you’ve been considering cutting the price to help move it, you might want to try staging it instead. Staging not only tends to help move properties faster, you could end up selling for higher than expected.

Staging Can Show Ways to Use Extra Rooms and Unique Floor Plans

When a room is completely empty, it can be tough to envision how it might be used. That’s especially true if there’s an unusual layout or dated features. Staging can help buyers see the potential of a room and how to get the most value out of it. Plus, empty rooms can actually look smaller than they really are; and staging can help them appear larger!